Monday 10 May 2010


Yet sincere

Your favourites
Checked shirt
Faded denim jeans

Remember you
Having grown
Your beard (for a while)

Nothing elaborate
Just a sparse growth
Untrimmed (for a while)

Inquistive and
Always quick
On the repartee

You sometimes
Made my class
A little difficult

On other days
Your witty remarks
Would fill the classroom

With a warmth
On a wet
Chilly morning 7 am lecture

Did not interact much
With you outside or
Inside the class

Yet your laughing
Jovial face
Could be seen from afar

You left so suddenly
Most of us are benumbed
With shock

A little angry
Why him?
Why Amrit?
Why now?

1 comment:

Anusha Ramanathan said...

Such insightful impressions imprinted
Though briefly acquainted.
Reflections more will follow
Without Amrit the world feels a little hollow.