Thursday 18 February 2010

"Mobile banaa jawan mardo ka raqeeb" (The mobile has become Love's enemy!)

"A meeting of two eyes across a crowded room (or street), a knowing glance or a short nod and a secret smile..." Three decades ago when I was in college, this was the benchmark definition of the start of a romantic relationshipgiven by a most charming classmate Falguni. But times have changed.
During our college days there were no mobile phones. Today it has become an inseperable adjunct of our very selves. It is your constant companion and it can ring anytime, wherever you are and whatever else you may be doing. So, it is not surprising that you come across people out in the street, in the train, at a restaurant, in the public loos.... trying to balance their movements whilst attending to the call (no pun intended!) In this process, we may get to see some rather acrobatic and even grotesque movements of the body posture. But this article is not about that.

I see a very beautiful lady walking towards me on the street, I am momentarily transfixed as I keep staring at her, a half smile ready on my face waiting for the eye oontact. Yes she will look up, she doesn't...maybe when we close up front against each, she doesn't even look now:( Why? She is totally engrossed in a conversation on her cell phone. The lady becomes totally oblivious of her surroundings including me! She passes on and I am left with a sheepish grin on my face and congealed adrenaline in my bloodstream. But for that wretched invention (the mobile phone), I would have had a life partner or a romantic fling...or at least spoken to her???!!!

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