Monday 6 November 2017

Please sign this petition

HAD ENOUGH?Over the last year, you've quietly suffered Government overreach into your personal finances like never before...But while the Politicians are busy creating new laws for you, they're exempting themselves from the same laws...It's time to demand Politicians live like the rest of us!

Every day brings new announcements about how you and all honest, tax-paying Indians must adhere to draconian new rules and regulations regarding YOUR own money.

Money you worked hard for.

Money you have saved for years.

Money you have set aside for your kids and retirement.

The purpose?

To bleed so-called 'black money' out of the system.

To your credit, you have borne it all with admirable patience.

You stood in queues for hours every day.

You felt awful as you dipped into your kids' piggy banks to meet contingencies.

You didn't question why Aadhaar should be linked to your PAN and income tax.

You took it on the chin...for 'nation building'.

That's because Mr Modi's fight against black money is to catch the big crooks. It's a good fight...and you were just doing your part. After all, the goal is to quash the black economy once and for all.


Think again...

In the fight against black money...where everything you and I do is linked to an Aadhaar other words exposed to the government...there's a privileged class that's being left out.

The politicians.

More precisely, the political parties.

Here are the facts:

You and I have been getting emails and smses almost every day asking us to link our Aadhar card to our bank accounts. We have also been getting smses asking us to link our Aadhar card to our mobile numbers.

It is almost impossible to carry out any transaction with the government without an Aadhar card.

At the same time, you can still donate money to a political party anonomously.

Why is that the case?

Why can't the Aadhar card be linked to every donation made to a political party as well. What is stopping the government from doing that?

In fact, to take this argument even further, why are political parties allowed to collect donations in cash, in this day and age.

If the idea is to encourage digital transactions, why can't PM Modi and the BJP, set an example on this front and ensure that the BJP takes only digital donations.

Yes, dear reader, in the fight against black money, a key beneficiary has been left out...the 1,866 political parties.

They enjoy privileges you and I don't. It's a biased war...and we're fighting it on behalf of often corrupt political entities.

Yet no one is doing anything about it.

I am Vivek Kaul, editor of Vivek Kaul's Diary.

I have dedicated my life to taking up the issues that matter most to you and your future. Even if the issues involve the powers to be.

My only commitment is to you. Period.

That's why I have decided to call on you urgently:

Please sign this petition which requests the President of India to make issue instructions, on 8th November, the Anti-Black Money Day, that all donations made to political parties must carry an Aadhaar number.

We must sound a great cry across India to ensure that every concerned citizen gets behind this move.

It's not complicated. And we can do it very quickly if we create a huge 'buzz' on the internet with the petition.

All we need is the President of India to set this in motion.

I firmly believe that, with your help, it is possible. Please forward this message to all your friends and ask them to also pass it on. This message - and our petition - could spread like wildfire.

But we must act immediately; it is very important.

Anonymous funding of political parties is the cause, at least partially, the cause of many of this country's ails.

But a clean, transparent funding process guarantees a better polity...

So please sign this petition to request the President of India to make it mandatory to link all political donations to Aadhaar.

Then pass this message on to inform your relatives and friends of the mess we are in and encourage them to support the movement.

I will personally send the signed petition to the President of India one day before Anti-Black Money Day, this Tuesday, the 7th of November 2017.

My hope is that the President will listen to you and the thousands of our fellow countrymen who sign this petition, and announce our new initiative on Anti-Black Money Day, to wipe Black Money from politics, once and for all... and have politicians follow the same laws they make for you and I.


Dear Mr. President

This Wednesday, the 8th of November 2017, marks the one year anniversary of demonetisation.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has declared the day, "Anti-Black Money Day."

What better day, then, to announce a brand new initiative to eliminate Black Money from where it does the most harm to our country: politics.

For too long, cronies have used Black Money to influence and undermine India's democracy.

It's time to lift the veil of secrecy, and let the people of India know who funds our political parties.

That's why, this Wednesday, the 8th of November 2017, I ask you to begin taking steps to make it mandatory for all political donations to be linked to Aadhaar and eliminate Black Money from politics.

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